Process Assistants Overview
Concepts and Terminology
Quick Start Guide
Exploring the Process Apps Store
Building Process Apps from Scratch
What's New
Current Version

Flow Builder
Human Task
Script Task
Connect to Data Table
Connect to API
Call a Subflow
Form Creation
Form Components
Form Actions
Self-Service Portal

General Settings
Members and Roles
Bot Permissions
Import & Export
Change Logs
Delete App

Creating a Process App
Creating a Process App
Importing and Exporting a Process App
Sharing a Process App with Co-Developers
Configuring a Process App
Defining a Digital Form
Defining a Flow for a Process App
Defining Triggers for a Process App
Using Stencil to Define a Logic for a Process App
Using Events for a Process App
Adding Access Controls to a Digital Form
Calling a Subflow from Process App
Deploying a Process App
Configuring Channels to a Process App
Publishing a Process App
Analyzing a Process App
Stimulating a Process Instance
Creating and Publishing a Process App
Viewing a Process App Errors
Viewing Change Logs Made to Process App Definition
Creating or Restoring a Version of Process App
Adding Bot Permissions to let Bot Trigger the Process App

Assistant Admin Console
Administration Dashboard
User Management
Add Users
Manage Groups
Assistant Management
Assistant Management
Invite Users
Send Bulk Invites
Import User Data
Synchronize Users from AD
Security & Compliance
Using Single-Sign On
Security Settings
Cloud Connector

Connect to API

Connect to API integration is a service request made to a third-party application to help both applications communicate with each other to share the necessary information. With the Connect to API integration, you can access and send data from/to third-party applications. It allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Get
  • Post
  • Put
  • Patch
  • Delete

To configure Connect to API and perform actions, follow the below steps:

  1. On the left pane, you can find the Integrations section. Drag and drop the Connect to API stencil from this section to the builder.
  2. Click the Connect to API stencil to open the Connect to API window.
  3. On the Connect to API window, configure the following details:
    1. Name – Enter a name for this task
    2. Type – Select the API type (REST/SOAP) from the drop-down list.
    3. Integration Mode – Select the integration mode: Synchronous or Asynchronous.
    4. URL – Click Define Request to define a service request. The Define Request for the task page is displayed. From the first drop-down list, select the HTTP method used for the request. You can select:
      1. POST – Used to send data to the server. For example, customer information, file upload, and so forth using HTML forms.
      2. PUT – Replaces the content of the target resource with the content sent.
      3. PATCH – Appends the content of an existing target resource with the content sent.
      4. DELETE – Deletes the content of an existing target resource.
      5. GET – Returns the content of an existing target resource.
    5. In the URL field, specify a URL.
    6. In the Headers tab, specify the headers as key/value pairs if required to access the specified request URL. 
    7. Click the Test Request tab.
    8. Click Test to send your API request URL using the specified HTTP headers and body parameters, if defined. The response is displayed in the text area. 
    9. Click Save to save the test response as the sample response. Also, the Define Request page automatically exits after you save the response.
  4. Under the Access using a Connector section, you can select/clear the Yes, URLs are behind a firewall and a connector has been setup checkbox.
  5. Close the Connect to API window.

Connect to API

Connect to API integration is a service request made to a third-party application to help both applications communicate with each other to share the necessary information. With the Connect to API integration, you can access and send data from/to third-party applications. It allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Get
  • Post
  • Put
  • Patch
  • Delete

To configure Connect to API and perform actions, follow the below steps:

  1. On the left pane, you can find the Integrations section. Drag and drop the Connect to API stencil from this section to the builder.
  2. Click the Connect to API stencil to open the Connect to API window.
  3. On the Connect to API window, configure the following details:
    1. Name – Enter a name for this task
    2. Type – Select the API type (REST/SOAP) from the drop-down list.
    3. Integration Mode – Select the integration mode: Synchronous or Asynchronous.
    4. URL – Click Define Request to define a service request. The Define Request for the task page is displayed. From the first drop-down list, select the HTTP method used for the request. You can select:
      1. POST – Used to send data to the server. For example, customer information, file upload, and so forth using HTML forms.
      2. PUT – Replaces the content of the target resource with the content sent.
      3. PATCH – Appends the content of an existing target resource with the content sent.
      4. DELETE – Deletes the content of an existing target resource.
      5. GET – Returns the content of an existing target resource.
    5. In the URL field, specify a URL.
    6. In the Headers tab, specify the headers as key/value pairs if required to access the specified request URL. 
    7. Click the Test Request tab.
    8. Click Test to send your API request URL using the specified HTTP headers and body parameters, if defined. The response is displayed in the text area. 
    9. Click Save to save the test response as the sample response. Also, the Define Request page automatically exits after you save the response.
  4. Under the Access using a Connector section, you can select/clear the Yes, URLs are behind a firewall and a connector has been setup checkbox.
  5. Close the Connect to API window.