Bots Platform v2.1

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Bot Builder v2.1.1

This section contains the release information for Bot Builder v2.1.1, a minor release on Feb 22, 2017.


The following list describes changes to existing features in Bot Builder since the last release.

    • Task transitions use nodeId instead of componentId.
    • Added new keys for Kore chatbot.

This is the release information for Bot Builder v2.1 released on Feb 15, 2017.

Bot Builder v2.1

New Features

The following list describes new features added to Bot Builder since the last release.

  • Twitter Channel added – For more information, see Adding the Twitter Channel.
  • Web SDK – Ability to add custom parameters.
  • Added HTML to Image, and URL to Image for Service node for dialog task. For more information, see Working with the Service Node.
  • Ability to Upgrade – Added for Dialog task. For more information, see Upgrading Tasks.
  • Attachment – Added as Entity Type for Entity node in a dialog task. For more information, see About Entity Types in Working with the Entity Node.
  • User Prompt Preview – For Entity, Confirmation, and Message nodes based on Sample Response and custom keys defined. For more information, see Using the Prompt Editor.
  • Tabbed Layout – New UI design for expandable sections for Bot and Task creation.
  • Information Tasks – New task format to define report-type tasks. For more information, see Information Tasks.
  • Delete and Recall for Dialog tasks – For tasks published, but not yet approved by the Bots admin, the developer can recall or delete a dialog task.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Enhancements
    • Ability to add custom error handling for Entity node, validation and transitions for Dialog tasks.
    • Task Identification Settings – Specify confidence levels for acceptable match for Knowledge tasks. For more information, see Task Identification Settings.
    • Entity node for Dialog task can accept multiple inputs, for example, a list of email addresses. For more information, see Working with the Entity Node.
    • NLP interpreter can accept multiple task commands in one user input. For example, Get me the weather conditions for Orlando today, and send me the weather every day at 8am. For more information, see Multiple Task Commands in About Bots.


The following list describes changes to existing features in Bot Builder since the last release.

  • Slack Channel – Message formatting updated.
  • Logging – Enhanced management, email to developers.
  • Enhanced message formatting – Information task fields for report link and header available as Report Keys for Bot Response formatting.
  • Dialog task to dialog task flows – For more information, see Creating Dialog Task Flows.
  • Support for SOAP – Developer JavaScript for SOAP requests supported in dialog tasks.
  • JavaScript editor – Can be maximized in Flows.

Bug Fixes

The following list describes bug fixes for existing features in Bot Builder since the last release.

  • User unable to interact with Employee Bot in Slack channel.
  • Preview not displaying when using context variables on the Simple tab for Bot Responses.
  • Bot not responding if Facebook channel-specific message is defined.
  • After an upgrade, some tasks are displaying twice.
  • In Confirmation node, user input for Yes triggers Else condition.