We’re thrilled to launch the newest version of our product, Kore.ai BankAssist, today at FinovateFall, in New York City. BankAssist is an omnichannel conversational virtual assistant that automates the most common use cases in retail banking to drive extraordinary experiences.
Key challenges
It’s a hard one! Banks are finding it difficult catering to a significant rise in remote customer requests while also looking for new ways to drive customer loyalty in an increasingly experience–driven world. Wait times are sharply increasing, driving down CSAT scores, as social media puts even more pressure on banks to stay on top of real time customer feedback.
Rethinking the Call Center
At Kore.ai, our banking customers and partners have been telling us about challenges with their existing call center operating model which has been particularly affected due to the unique challenges posed by the pandemic. Let alone the pre-pandemic fact that interactive voice response (IVR) technologies have never quite delighted customers by way of enabling a natural conversation-like experience (or lack thereof)! Most rely on identification of keywords or have very limited routing trees based on pressing digits, often leaving customers frustrated and wanting to speak or chat with a live operator.
The solution
As an AI-first conversational virtual assistant solution, BankAssist is purpose-built for banking customers and meets these challenges head-on.
Extraordinary CX with AI-first automation
Kore.ai BankAssist is an enterprise-class virtual assistant that is designed to automate highly accurate natural conversations to drive extraordinary customer experiences via voice and other digital channels. It automates and humanizes user interactions across 200+ pre-built retail banking use cases. It is pre-integrated with major core banking, cards, digital banking, bill-pay and P2P providers.
Truly enterprise-class
BankAssist is a highly scalable solution that understands context, answers questions and automates personalized banking experiences in whichever language the customer prefers.
The Solution Workbench, an integral part of the solution, is designed for non-technical business users and enables complex configurability, customization, multi-channel integrations and comprehensive analytics.
Seamless, multi-channel integrations
BankAssist is available across all channels — web, mobile, IVR, SMS, social media and live agents. Banking customers can start conversations in one channel and complete them in a different channel without losing context. Having one assistant ensures a seamless, consistent experience across all channels thereby reducing maintenance and increased customer satisfaction.
Built on an industry leading CAIP platform
Built and extendable on Kore.ai’s “no-code” Experience Automation platform with superior NLP capabilities, BankAssist understands every word the customer says and takes appropriate action. Whether it’s call routing or automation, within the cost-effective confines of the existing IVR, or combined with other Kore.ai products, BankAssist gives banks one solution to replace IVR, live-chat software and call center agent desktops.
Are you in New York at FinovateFall2021? Come talk to us and get a demo of BankAssist or book here.