Bot Building

Digital Views

Interactions with virtual agents are typically conducted using chat / messaging tools, voice channels or digital assistants. In the majority of the cases, the virtual agents respond to the user queries only when the users have requested for some information. This works well for conducting on-demand tasks that need user…

Panels & Widgets

Interactions with virtual agents are typically conducted using chat / messaging tools, voice channels or digital assistants. In the majority of the cases, the virtual agents respond to the user queries only when the users have requested for some information. This works well for conducting on-demand tasks that need user…


Visualizing how end-users are expected to interact with the bots is a very essential exercise in building successful bots. This helps in designing engaging conversations as well as simplifies the communication between business users, conversation designers, language experts, and bot developers. Designing chatbots comes with different challenges as compared to…

Knowledge Graph Analysis

A careful analysis of the Knowledge Graph helps in detecting errors in your questions and the path associated with the same that might hamper the user experience. Knowledge Graph Diagnosis tool will help you in identifying any inefficiencies in your knowledge graphs and suggest possible corrective actions. Note that these…

Small Talk

Small Talk refers to the casual conversations that a Bot can have with the end users. Ability to engage end-users in casual conversations helps socialize your bot and improves the recall rates. The Small Talk conversation can be designed as a series of interaction volleys between the Bot and the…

Generation of Knowledge Graph

Performance of’s Knowledge Graph is based on the proper organizing of the Knowledge Graph based upon key domain terms and establishing a hierarchy. Building the FAQs might be easy when you start fresh with the Knowledge Graph, but in case you have a list of questions-answer pairs converting the…

Knowledge Graph’s Knowledge Graph helps you turn your static FAQ text into an intelligent, personalized conversational experience. It goes beyond the usual practice of capturing FAQs in the form of flat question-answer pairs. Instead, Knowledge Graph enables you to create an ontological structure of key domain terms and associate them with…

Working with the Confirmation Nodes

Confirmation node allows you to prompt the user for a “yes” or “no” answer. It helps in the verification or allowing users to accept or decline a choice. For example, in the Books Flight Bot, you can use a Confirmation node to prompt the user to respond if they would…

Working with the Dialog Node

Dialog node lets you start a new Dialog task within an existing Dialog task if the user intent changes. For example, let’s consider a travel bot that has the following three Dialog tasks: Flight Availability, Book a Flight, and Book a Hotel. You may want to invoke the Book a Flight Dialog…

Using Session and Context Variables in Tasks

When you define tasks, you can access session variables provided by the Bots Platform, or custom variables that you define, as well as the context that defines the scope of the variable. For example, some API requests may require you to set session variables before the request is executed, or a…