Chatbot Overview

Chatbot Overview

Communication has been the essence of life from the beginning of times. With the evolution of technology, mode and style of communication have also evolved. In the early days, conversations were restricted to verbal and textual interaction between humans. These interactions are usually guided by emotions, context, and awareness of…

Creating a Simple Bot

Once you have signed up with the Bots Platform, the next step would be to create a Bot. Before diving into Bot creation, it is advisable to go through the basics of Bot building from this link. You can follow the steps given in this document to build the…

Working with Bot Builder

When you sign in to Bot Builder, you will be directed to the landing page. Bot Builder Landing Page You can use this screen to: view all the Bots developed by you; view the Bots shared with you for development by the codevelopers from your account; create a New…

Bot Types

The following are the different bot types supported by Standard Bots Standard Bots are the most common type of bots. Using these, you can create dialog, alert, action, information tasks, and knowledge graph, as well as flows that map one task to another. For more information, see Defining a…

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

The key for a conversational bot to understand human interactions lies in its ability to identify the intention of the user, extract useful information from their utterance, and map them to relevant actions or tasks. NLP (Natural Language Processing) is the science of deducing the intention (Intent) and related information…

Using the Dialog Builder Tool

This topic describes the user interface for creating a conversational flow between a user and a Bot in a dialog task using the Dialog Builder tool in Bot Builder. In the Search field, you can search component titles for any letters or words using find-as-you-type. Search matches are highlighted…

Bot Tasks Bots platform supports the following types of tasks each meeting different use cases: The following Bot Tasks are available on the Bots Platform: Dialog Tasks Consists of multiple intents and sub-intents and component nodes to conduct a complex conversational flow between a user and the bot. Know More… Conversational Platform

The Conversational Platform provides the tools, processes, and methods required to develop business-ready Chatbots or Virtual Assistants, as they are sometimes called. The Bots Platform gives enterprises every necessary component to clear the hurdle of “how” when it comes to designing, building, testing, and deploying AI-powered chatbots. This…

How to Access Bot Builder Bots Platform enables you to launch enterprise-grade, AI-enabled conversational chatbots using Bot Builder – an intuitive graphical interface for building, training, testing and monitoring bots. Whether you are looking to build a complex Bot that has to make multiple calls to your backend systems with conditional routing, or a…

Bot Concepts and Terminology

This article lists the key terms and concepts related to the Bots Platform. Bot A bot is a form of virtual assistant that acts as an intelligent intermediary between people, digital systems, and Internet-enabled things. Bots are intelligent with machine learning, natural language processing, and other forms of advanced…