Chatbot Overview
Conversational Bots
Intents & Entities
Intelligent Bots's Approach Conversational Platform
Bot Concepts and Terminology
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Bot Types
Bot Tasks
Starting with Platform
How to Access Bot Builder
Working with Bot Builder
Building your first Bot
Getting Started with Building Bots
Using the Dialog Builder Tool
Creating a Simple Bot
Release Notes
Latest Updates
Older Releases
Bot Builder
Creating a Bot
Dialog Task
User Intent Node
Dialog Node
Entity Node
Supported Entity Types
Composite Entities
Supported Time Zones
Supported Colors
Supported Company Names
Message Nodes
Confirmation Nodes
Service Node
Custom Authentication
2-way SSL for Service nodes
Script Node
Agent Transfer Node
WebHook Node
Connections & Transitions
Managing Dialogs
Prompt Editor
Alert Tasks
Alert Tasks
Ignore Words and Field Memory
Digital Views
Knowledge Graph
Importing and Exporting
Knowledge Extraction
Small Talk
Action & Information Task
Action Tasks
Information Tasks
Establishing Flows
Natural Language
Machine Learning
ML Model
Fundamental Meaning
NLP Settings and Guidelines
Knowledge Graph Training
Ranking and Resolver
NLP Detection
Bot Intelligence
Context Management
Session and Context Variables
Context Object
Dialog Management
Amend Entity
Multi-Intent Detection
Sentiment Management
Tone Analysis
Sentiment Management
Default Conversations
Default Standard Responses
Channel Enablement
Test & Debug
Talk to Bot
Utterance Testing
Batch Testing
Record Conversations
Publishing your Bot
Analyzing your Bot
Custom Dashboard
Conversation Flows
Bot Metrics
Advanced Topics
Bot Authorization
Language Management
Collaborative Development
IVR Integration
koreUtil Libraries
Universal Bots
Enabling Languages
Smart Bots
Sample Bots
Travel Planning
Flight Search
Event Based Bot Actions
Bot Settings
Bot Functions
General Settings
PII Settings
Customizing Error Messages
Bot Management
Using Bot Variables
API Guide
API Overview
API List
API Collection
SDK Overview
SDK Security
SDK App Registration
Web SDK Tutorial
Message Formatting and Templates
Mobile SDK Push Notification
Widget SDK Tutorial
Widget SDK – Message Formatting and Templates
Web Socket Connect & RTM
Using the BotKit SDK
BotKit SDK Tutorial – Agent Transfer
BotKit SDK Tutorial – Flight Search Sample Bot
Using an External NLP Engine
Bot Administration
Bots Admin Console
User Management
Managing Users
Managing Groups
Managing Role
Bots Management
Inviting Users
Bulk Invites
Importing Users
Synchronizing Users from AD
Security & Compliance
Using Single Sign-On
Security Settings
Cloud Connector
How Tos
Creating a Simple Bot
Creating a Banking Bot
Transfer Funds Task
Update Balance Task
Context Switching
Using Traits
Schedule a Smart Alert
Configuring Digital Views
Custom Dashboard
Custom Tags to filter Bot Metrics
Patterns for Intents & Entities
Build Knowledge Graph
Global Variables
Content Variables
Using Bot Functions
Configure Agent Transfer

Bots Platform v2.4

This is the release information for the Bot Store v2.4, Bot Admin Console v2.4, and Bot Builder v2.4 released on June 14, 2017.

Bot Builder v2.4

This section contains the release information for Bot Builder v2.4 released on June 14, 2017.

New Features

The following list describes new features added to Bot Builder since the last release.

  • Agent Handler – Added ability to switch from bot to Live Agent.
    • New event trigger for onAgentTransfer when Creating an App in the SDK Configuration section on the Settings tab. For more information, see SDK Configuration.
    • New dialog task component node for Agent Transfer.
    • New BotKit SDK function for Close Agent Session, and Get Chat Session Information
    • Ability to mark a dialog as hidden
    • Ability to add a Default dialog when user intent cannot be matched.
    • BotKit SDK integration with LiveChat. For more information, see BotKit SDK Tutorial – Agent Transfer.
  • Debugging and Error Handling Enhancements – For more information, see Logging in Using the Dialog Builder Tool..
    • End of dialog added.
  • Entity Types – For more information, see Working with the Entity Node.
    • Quantity with selectable unit of measurement when defining an Entity node, as well as default unit.
    • Address entity type handling supports all address formats.
    • List of items (enumerated) – Added a settings icon for this type to define synonyms from a static list or List from context.
    • Percentage – Support for %, percent, and percentage.
    • Currency – Support for currency using format as XXCurrency as 20dollars, XX Currency as 20 dollars, and currency symbols, such as $20 or €20.
  • Test Authorization – Added button Test in Bot Settings tab, Authorization section, hover over an authorization to show the button and test the definition.
  • New User for Bot Builder Sign Up Experience – Only email address is required for initial sign up, and upon Enterprise Admin approval, new users creates profile on initial sign in.
  • Natural Language Training – Dialog tasks can be trained as well as alerts and action tasks on the Natural Language tab, on the Training section. For more information, see Training Your Bot.
  • Bot Builder UI Enhancements – Several UI changes were implemented to enhance the developer bot building experience.
    • Dialog Task > Entity Node > User Prompts section in Component Properties panel > Manage Prompts, added a channel icon for prompts configured for All channels, or shows the icon of the specific channel defined for that prompt message and can be expanded to define the message using markdown or JavaScript, plus a Preview option. Ability to add context object keys using drop-down list selection
    • New icons in Properties panel in Dialog Task editor for each section.
    • Error and warning icon indicator moved from component node to the appropriate section in the Properties panel for dialog tasks.
    • Save/Cancel bar added in Properties panel in Dialog Task editor
    • Default Dialog – Added section in Natural Language tab to define the dialog to run in the event the user intent is not recognized.
    • Support to enable or disable ChatScript task intent match to be used when training a bot. When ChatScript is disabled, synonyms and patterns are not available, except for fields.
  • Channels
    • RingCentral Glip – New channel added.
    • Cisco Spark – Support for messaging to bots in group chats added.
    • Facebook Workplace – Bot Store for Facebook Workplace added.
  • Dialog Builder – Ability to export and import dialog task configurations from one bot to another. For more information, see Importing and Exporting Dialog Tasks in Using the Dialog Builder Tool.
  • Bot Builder Billing – A developer can publish or share bots only as a paid user account for an enterprise.
  • The UserContext object now contains channel-specific identity data for Slack, Facebook, Spark, and Twitter. The new data is available as session keys.
  • Manage Account – Using NLP, a user can manage their bot account, for example, manage profile, setup time zone, manage identities, add new email address, and so forth.
  • BotKit SDK – Default message templates added. For more information, see Message Formatting and Templates.

Bug Fixes

The following list describes bug fixes for existing features in Bot Builder since the last release.

  • Fixed – When only one alert frequency is defined, do not show other frequency options to the bot user.
  • Fixed – Associated entities are not displayed when training a bot task.
  • Fixed – On first use of a bot, the bot Welcome message should be displayed.

Bots Admin Console v2.4

This section contains the release information for Bots Admin Console v2.4 released on June 14, 2017.

  • Billing – Removed from Bots Admin Console. Billing is handled by Kore Sales.
  • Managed vs. Unmanaged Users – Removed concept. No ability to unmanage users.
  • Claim Domain – New enterprise domains do not need to claim the domain to use Bots Admin Console.

Bot Store v2.4

This section contains the release information for Bot Store v2.4 released on June 14, 2017.

  • Added ability to filter bots by Channel locate on the left-hand navigation menu in Bot Store and your Enterprise Bot Store.