Dialog Task

Voice Call Properties

You can enable voice interaction with your virtual assistant, i.e., users can talk to the virtual assistant. For this, you need to enable one of the voice channels like IVR, Twilio, IVR-AudioCodes, etc and publish the bot on those channels. There are some Voice Properties you can configure to streamline…

Grouping Nodes

Grouping nodes is primarily used for defining a group of nodes and representing the same in the dialog canvas. Note that it is not a part of the dialog flow. Add a Group Node to the Dialog Task To add a group node to the dialog task, follow the below…

Working with the Logic Node

The Logic Node provides a simpler experience to developers, primarily business users to use context variables and define complex transition conditions. Its two primary functions are: Ability to manage variables and values of variables in the context object. Ability to define nested transition conditions. Add a Logic Node to the…

Working with the Form Node

Form node lets you integrate the UI Forms with Dialog Task. This facilitates the presentation of form to capture user inputs for specific use cases. The primary purpose of the Form node is to represent a UI Form in the dialog task and make the form available for end-users on…

Working with the Confirmation Nodes

Confirmation Node allows you to prompt the user for a yes or no answer. It helps in the verification or allowing users to accept or decline a choice. For example, in the Books Flight Bot, you can use a confirmation node to prompt the user to respond if they would like…

Working with the Dialog Node

Dialog Node lets you start a new dialog task within an existing dialog task if the user intent changes. For example, let us consider a travel bot that has the following three dialog tasks: Flight Availability, Book a Flight, and Book a Hotel. You may want to invoke the Book…

Using Session and Context Variables in Tasks

When you define tasks, you can access session variables provided by the Bots Platform, or custom variables that you define, as well as the context that defines the scope of the variable. For example, some API requests may require you to set session variables before the request is executed, or a…

User Prompts

After creating an Entity, Confirmation, or Message node in the Dialog Builder, Kore.ai lets you do the following: Modify the default message or user prompt displayed to the end-user. Add new prompts or messages. Add channel-specific prompts or messages. Prompt Types Dialog Tasks support two types of user prompts: Standard:…

Context Object

The Context object is the container object that persists data for dialog execution and across all intents i.e. dialog tasks, action, alert & info tasks, and FAQs. The Kore.ai’s natural language processing (NLP) engine populates the intent identified, entities extracted, and history into this object. Keys from the Context object can…

Custom Meta Tags

While analyzing your Bot performances, you might want to give preference to or discard a particular scenario. For example, you might want to track how many people are booking tickets to Chicago. Or you might want to track how a specific user, a premium customer, requests are being catered to.…